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Le commentaire de traduction anglaise

Le commentaire de traduction anglaise

Michel Balard

Des corrigés, un index, des indications bibliographiques et des propositions de travaux plus synthétiques complètent l'ouvrage. Michel Ballard est professeur à l'université d'Artois.
Croisades et Orient latin : XIe-XIVe siècle

Croisades et Orient latin : XIe-XIVe siècle

Michel Balard

Panorama chronologique de l'évolution institutionnelle, économique, sociale et culturelle des États latins d'Orient depuis la première croisade de Pierre l'Ermite, en 1096.
Etudes sur les Croisades dediees a Jean Richard:

Etudes sur les Croisades dediees a Jean Richard:

Michel Balard

His book on twelfth-century Tripoli, published in 1945, is still the standard work on the county. In the 1950s he, and Joshua Prawer, provided a revolutionary approach towards the constitution and institutions of the kingdom of Jerusalem.
La Méditerranée médiévale: Espaces, itinéraires, comptoirs

La Méditerranée médiévale: Espaces, itinéraires, comptoirs

Michel Balard

Trois grandes civilisations se partagent la Méditerranée médiévale : l'Occident latin, l'Orient byzantin, le Proche-Orient musulman.
Croisades et Orient Latin: XIe-XIVe siècle

Croisades et Orient Latin: XIe-XIVe siècle

Michel Balard

À partir du XIe siècle, l'idée de croisade s'insère au cœur de la société chrétienne et constitue tout au long du Moyen Âge le moteur de l’expansion de l’Occident dans le monde méditerranéen.
Byzance et le monde extérieur: Contacts, relations, échanges

Byzance et le monde extérieur: Contacts, relations, échanges

Michel Balard

Byzance, un monde à part, retranche dans la splendeur de ses palais et de ses églises, peu accueillant envers l'étranger, menant une économie de subsistance !
Les Latins en Orient (XIe-XVe siècle)

Les Latins en Orient (XIe-XVe siècle)

Michel Balard

Croisades, échanges commerciaux, pèlerinages et voyages de découverte, autant de formes différentes de l'expansion occidentale en Orient du XIe au XVe siècle.
Women in the Military Orders of the Crusades

Women in the Military Orders of the Crusades

M. Bom

Benjamin Z. Kedar, Jonathan RileySmith, and Michel Balard (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001), p. 135; Forey, “Women in Military Orders,” 68. 11. Calendar ofEntries in the Papal Registers Relating toGreat Britain and Ireland:Papal Letters,ed. William  ...
Dei gesta per Francos: Etudes sur les croisades dédiées à ...

Dei gesta per Francos: Etudes sur les croisades dédiées à ...

Michel Balard

25 Benjamin Z. Kedar, “The Outer Walls of Frankish Acre,” 'Atiqot 31 (1997), 157– 80. 26 Amongst a number of excavations used by Kedar to prove his thesis is the excavation of part of a tower of Acre's outer Crusader wall uncovered in Kaplan ...
Abnormal: Lectures at the Collège de France 1974-1975

Abnormal: Lectures at the Collège de France 1974-1975

Michel Foucault

Michel Foucault remains one of the towering intellectual figures of the last half century. Michel Foucault's works on sexuality, madness, the prison and medicine are classics and his example continues to challenge and inspire.
Joseph L. Mankiewicz: Critical Essays with an Annotated ...

Joseph L. Mankiewicz: Critical Essays with an Annotated ...

Cheryl Bray Lower

Directors, Luc Beraud and Michel Ciment; Producer, Klaus Hellwig; Writers, Luc Beraud and Michel Ciment; Photography, Tom Hurwitz and Michael Teutsch; Sound, Peter Miller and Christian Moldt; Editor, Juliette Welfrig; Interviewer, Michel ...
Le DRH du 3e millénaire

Le DRH du 3e millénaire

Edgard Added

Michel Saloff Coste, Carine Dartiguepeyrou, Wilfrid Raffard, Le Dirigeant du 3e millénaire, Éditions d'Organisation, 2006. Michel Saloff Coste, Le Management du troisième millénaire, Guy Trédaniel éditeur, 2005. Michel Saloff Coste, Carine  ...
Mapping Michel Serres

Mapping Michel Serres


"THE GIFT IS A GIVEN" On the Errant Ethic of Michel Serres JULIAN YATES briino latour: It's impossible to simplv ask, "What is Serres' ethic? what are his politics, his metaphysics?" MicHEL SERRES: "Where are you?" "What place are you ...
Michel Foucault: Genealogy as Critique

Michel Foucault: Genealogy as Critique

Rudi Visker

The reception of Michel Foucault's work has often been divided between two unsatisfactory alternatives.
Michel Butor: déménagements de la littérature

Michel Butor: déménagements de la littérature


DVD includes Michel Butor au cinéma, Les accents du texte, Begards croisés.
The Fahrenheit Twins

The Fahrenheit Twins

Michel Faber

Deft and lyrical, this paperback edition of Michel Faber's collection of stories is his first since his auspicious debut, Some Rain Must Fall.
L'Homme de la Cumbre III: Elyssa

L'Homme de la Cumbre III: Elyssa

Michel Fourcade

Pris sous l’aile de Michel, Pablo est désormais un homme différent, apaisé et prêt à renouer avec sa soeur.
The Fahrenheit Twins

The Fahrenheit Twins

Michel Faber

' Good Reading 'Were you to lock Paul Auster, Roald Dahl and Ian McEwan in a room together, the result might well resemble this collection of short stories by Michel Faber.
The Birth of the Clinic

The Birth of the Clinic

Michel Foucault

In this remarkable book Michel Foucault, one of the most influential thinkers of recent times, calls us to look critically at specific historical events in order to uncover new layers of significance.
Michel Foucault

Michel Foucault

Sara Mills

At his inauguration to the chair in The History of Systems of Thought' at the Collegè de France in Paris in 1970 Michel Foucault commented on the difficulties , the responsibilities and the risks, associated with entering the world of discourse .
The Essays on Euripides and George of Pisidia and on ...

The Essays on Euripides and George of Pisidia and on ...

Michel Psellos

Michel Psellos Andrew Roy Dyck. not apply it to the Aethiopica whether because he failed to see the possibility or the appropriateness. The one opportunity for finding Psellan influence in this matter on subsequent authors would be if his ...
The Fahrenheit Twins and Other Stories

The Fahrenheit Twins and Other Stories

Michel Faber

Deft and lyrical, this paperback edition of Michel Faber's collection of stories is his first since his auspicious debut, Some Rain Must Fall.
Some Rain Must Fall: And Other Stories

Some Rain Must Fall: And Other Stories

Michel Faber

Michel Faber's short stories are markedly diverse-the voice of each is so distinct that the book reads like an anthology of different writers.
The Passion of Michel Foucault

The Passion of Michel Foucault

James Miller

Based on extensive new research and a bold interpretation of the man and his texts, The Passion of Michel Foucault is a startling look at one of this century's most influential philosophers.
Borderlands: Towards an Anthropology of the Cosmopolitan ...

Borderlands: Towards an Anthropology of the Cosmopolitan ...

Michel Agier

In this timely book, anthropologist Michel Agier addresses these questions and examines the character of the borderlands that emerge on the margins of nation-states.
Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments

Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments

Barry Smart

It is impossible to imagine contemporary critical theory without the work of Michel Foucault.
Michel Foucault

Michel Foucault

David Macey

With Michel Foucault, Reaktion Books introduces an exciting new series that brings the work of major intellectual figures to general readers, illuminating their groundbreaking ideas through concise biographies and cogent readings.

who called from an unknown number?